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07768 480813
Markings & Pressure Washing
When a tennis court or play area needs cleaning it not only affects the look of the surface, it can create a potential risk of injury. A broken and pitted surface could be a trip hazard, while moss, algae and lichen on tarmac and acrylic courts can make the surface very slippery.
We use high-pressure washers to remove dust, grit, moss, algae and general debris (leaves, plants or other litter) from the court surface. This improves the grip of the court and helps with drainage. Once the surface has been cleaned, any damage to the surface can be assessed for repair. We can then carry out minor repairs and patching to small holes and damage.
As part of the cleaning process we can apply chemical treatments to the surface prior to pressure washing to kill any moss and algae and make it easier to remove. This can also be done between cleaning visits to maintain the safety and appearance of the court and make cleaning much easier, especially on courts in shaded areas or after a mild winter or particularly wet summer.
We recommend annual treatment to keep your court protected. Treating your court in the autumn ensures protection through the winter - a particularly tough time for court surfaces. Remember, regular treatment, cleaning and maintenance are essential to keep your court safe and looking its best. Call us to ensure your playing surfaces are in top condition.
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